Anyssa Jayne Smalligan
Where do I begin? Anyssa is my princess, in EVERY sense of the word. She is total girl, total diva. She will steal your heart with her embracive smile. She's total daddy's girl and mommy's girl. Equally balanced I believe. She wants to be the center of attention and when she's not will do what ever it takes, positive and negative, to get it. She has a BIG heart, is senstive like her momma, and yet tough like her daddy. Anyssa is 4 years old and we are preschooling her at home. This is a BIG challenge for me because it seems that she's lethargic to any type of instruction at the moment. Disinterested in be a part of anything that has to do with school. Is she rebelling? I dont really know. I was ready to sign her up for preschool today and drop her off tomorrow. It's very taxing TRYING to find the right style for her. Especially when she just doesn't seem to want to do anything. I will say, there were two positives today. She did sit with me and work on her letter A. I had her color a pic of her letter (working on recognizing her name), which she started with exuberance, and than 5 mins into it was ready to be done. I tried to get her to cut it out, but she wasn't having that. So I sat her on my lap and had her pick out all the a's she could find in one of the "easy phonics readers" books that Molly had given me. She didn't seem to mind doing that, but more enjoyed me reading the book to her when we were finished. She also helped me put together a very advanced puzzle, was VERY interested in helping mommy with this, and did a GREAT job. So now seeing this maybe I am just trying to hard with her? I just need to find a way to incorporate her learning into play with mommy? Even that is still hard because I still have Nia who wants my attention as well.
And yes, my Nia Mae's.I'm not so sure what was up with her today. She couldn't leave my side for anything! Maybe it was all the attention her other sisters were getting, that yes, she does normally get. I going to have to work another plan. Just pray Angeal, right?!
A very FULL day indeed. And yet, not really all that enjoyable for me. I really just wanted to cry half the time. I know this is just the first week. Things will get better once we find what works. It's just the process of finding it that is exhausting me right now!

So tomorrow is a new day. Daddy just took the kids out to the park to release pent up energy (they are driving me CRAZY with all this noise coming out of their mouths and never ending vivacity) because I just DO NOT have it in me to run around with them outside. I'm looking forward to some quiet. ahh... Thank you Lord for this day. For even in the hard times I know there is good and a lesson to be learned!
You're doing GREAT!!!! Remember - Anyssa is 4 years old. 4 years old. She's 4 years old. If she's little resistant to learning, it's because she's 4 years old. She may catch more/learn more just by being close by while you teach Kali. She's 4 years old, so she probably wants to just play. Since she's 4, the more you can make everything feel like playing...the more she'll like it. Remember - she's 4 years old. ;)
ReplyDeleteKali and Math - that's awesome! Some of my friends have "favorite subject days" where they kids get to do extra work in their fav. subject as a reward for something else. OR - save most of the Math until the other stuff is over. It all depends - do you want to eat your brussel sprouts first or last? When my boys have had a hard time with a subject, I always let them chew gum while they are doing it - or have like 5 Skittles sitting there and they can have one after they write 2 words or whatever.
Keep the faith - you're doing great! I'm proud of you!
Now - be my follower on MY blog!!!!!!!
Kudos to you Angela!!
ReplyDeleteYou're doing great!
And your friend in the above comment said it all!
I really hand it to you with trying to school them at home. God has definately placed that in you... because...whew... I'm not sure I would be that strong. You're doing beautifully with those girls Ang.... don't give up!
I wish you were closer.. I could probably help you. *Hint Hint*
I love you sister dear! Stay strong!
I love the pics of the girls too!! ;)
ReplyDeleteAngela... *HUGS*...
ReplyDeleteyou said something that is exactly true!!...
'I just need to find a way to incorporate her learning into play with mommy'--I will repeat... she is 4...she is not ready for 'lessons' persay... you said something else...'which she started with exuberance, and than 5 mins into it was ready to be done' --this is about ALL the time that a 4 year old can SIT and do something that they have not initiated...this is NORMAL...
even when Kendyl was excited to start reading at 4 1/2, she couldn't/wouldn't sit for more than 5-10 minutes EVER... but she still learned it! :)
and another thing you said...'Things will get better once we find what works'--TRUE! :) I love you, girl!! you are doing great!!
seriously, if you want any help with figuring out something for Anyssa, i would love to help--- remember I DO have a degree in preschool ed! :) (and also...if you do truly feel that right now, she should go to a preschool, maybe the arc??, it wouldn't be a failure on your have a LOT on your plate right now!) Anyway... I love you and am here to help, if you chose to take it! :)
Thank you so much ladies for the encouragent. It REALLY helps to hear it. I keep thinking, and I know this is wrong, that I have to keep up with you Elizabeth. Kendyl is doing SO good and I can't help but feel the pressure. But I know that's wrong. God REALLY showed me that yesterday. I'm sure my kids were REALLY glad to get away from me and go to the park. Nia even said, "you stay here mommy, you not go" LOL I was a bear so many times yesterday. I don't know how many times I shut myself in my bedroom and closed the door and told them not to come in. Kali said to me, "mom, you know ever time we take a break from school we don't come back to school!" LOL She SO thinks we need to be sitting in the class room the entire time while the other two need me all over. I tried explaining that even when we are not in the class room doesn't mean we aren't doing school. I hope she gets it. I know she will. I even asked her if she wanted to go back to her "old" school yesterday, and she said the smartest thing..she said, "that's your choice mommy". I mean really, she doesn't care..I do think she's learning more with me. I can actually see her soaking it all in. Which I never got to see with her being away at school. It's nice.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Anyssa is 4..thank you seriously for reminding me. I'll keep at it in little spurts through out the day...I just don't think she likes the school room setting. I asked her last night what she wanted to do with mommy in school tomorrow...she said, "i don't like school, but I like doing puzzles mommy".
Dorie, your a gem. I will be a follower and look forward to reading your blog. :) Thank you for helping me keep my head on straight.
Jen, I SO wish we lived closer too. My friend Heather called me and told me she was gonna come and take Nia tomorrow for me so I could work with the girls..I could totally see you doing the same thing..and than just spoiling the bagoogles out of her. She'd come back all princessed up and sugar buzzing! LOL I love you dear. <3
Elizabeth, ANY ideas with Anyssa would be great. I know this is YOUR area and I thought many times yesterday that I wish you were teaching preschool. Anyssa has fun in your classes, just look at VBS. ahh... :) Love you girl and THANK YOU for your encouragement! Your doing a marvelous job yourself..amazing you are. :)
Angela... would you like me to come and help you set up some 'centers' for Anyssa, in your 'school room'?? That way she would still be with you, you could monitor her 'learning', but it would be like a real preschool with centers and not 'book' learning... example: table set up with paper, scissors, markers, etc. for art, writing, etc.(she could do as she wanted & you could get suggestions--putting a 'letter of the day' shape there, etc... another area could have puzzles & blocks... one could have some dramatic play stuff (puppets, dress-up, etc.-could just tell her it was her choice to go downstairs to do those things also), a math station could have duplo blocks to stack, objects to count & sort by color, shape, style... science could have magnifying glasses, etc... each week you could change the stations to a theme you wanted her to work on... I would LOVE helping you set this up sometime if you want--if not, that's fine too!
ReplyDeleteare you kidding me Elizabeth?? I would LOVE that!! OMG..seriously, that makes me SOOOOOOooooo happy! yes yes yes...let's do it. yay, I'm SO excited! Seriously, I'm doing a jig! LOVE YOU!!